The Dreams of Unborn Gods

That’s right, I’ve decided on the title for my debut New Adult fantasy novel. The Dreams of Unborn Gods is undergoing the last edits before I submit the manuscript to beta readers for a final round of critiquing. One more round of edits after that, and then…. Will I self-publish or try the traditional publishing route? If I self-publish, the book will be available to readers much sooner. If I’m able to find a traditional publisher, that might give me more credibility with potential readers, and maybe a wider audience. I haven’t decided yet. But I’m excited to be at the point of needing to decide soon. 🙂

I’ve considered many titles for my debut novel, and used about three others as working titles. After running a poll on three different social media pages and getting input from over twenty helpful friends, I’ve decided to go with this one. It’s going to stick.

The image above is not the book cover. I don’t know what the book cover will be yet. This image is promotional work only, featuring one of the three antagonists from the story.

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